KARATE TERMINOLOGY (Japanese - English)
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AGE Upper or rising. AGE-HAISOKU-UCHI Rising instep strike. Raising your instep into your attackers groin. Usually combined with a knee kick. It is used in the Kata Nijushiho. This is an effective "close-in" technique. AGE-UKE Upper rising block. A basic block to a Jodan attack. AGE-ZUKI Rising punch. Also called Age Tsuki. AGE-EMPI-UCHI Upward elbow strike or rising elbow strike. Also referred to as Tate Empi Uchi (vertical elbow strike). AGO Jaw or chin, as in mouth. AGURA-WO-KAKU Informal sitting. This is sitting with the legs crossed. AI Harmony. AI-KAMAE Harmony posture. This is in relation to your opponent when you are in matching stances. i.e. both have the right leg forward. AI-KI Harmonious spirit. This is where you integrate all your movements, breathing etc. to exactly match your opponents and you then control him from it. It is also called "Spirit Meeting" or "Harmony Meeting". AIKIDO The way of harmony. AITE Opponent or partner. AITE-NO-TSUKURI Conditioning of your opponent or partner. This is the preparing or setting up of your opponent in order to execute your technique so that it is most effective. AIUCHI Simultaneous strike. AKA Red. AKIRESU-KEN Achilles tendon. The large tendon at the back of the foot. ANANKU An Okinawan Shorin Ryu Kata, meaning light from the south. ANTEI Balance, stability or equilibrium. Also see Fu-Anti. ASHI (1) Foot or Leg. ASHI (2) One leg or single leg. ASHI-ATE Foot strikes or leg strikes. These are methods of attacking with the knee, ball or edge of the foot, heel, etc. ASHI-BARAI Foot or leg sweep. Also called Ashi Harai. ASHI-DACHI Single leg stance, a general term for one leg stances. See also Sashi Ashi Dachi, Tsuru Ashi Dachi and Sagi Ashi Dachi. ASHI-FUMIKAE Changing feet. ASHI-GAKE Used in the Kata Bassai Sho, where you hook your foot behind your attackers and then pull your foot back in towards you pulling your attackers foot with you, pulling him off balance. This is different to an Ashi Barai because this is not done in a sweeping motion. ASHI-HARAI Foot or leg sweeping, another name for Ashi Barai. ASHI-HISHIGI Leg lock or crunch. You apply pressure to your opponent’s lower calf in order to pin him to the floor. ASHI-SABAKI Foot work or foot movement. ASHI-WAZA Name given to all leg and foot techniques. ASHI-YUBI Toes. Ashi meaning "of the foot" and Yubi being "the digit". ASHIBO-KAKE-UKE Leg hooking block, in which the leg is raised to the side and swung in a circle to deflect an opponents side kick to the abdomen. ASHIKUBI Ankle. Ashi means "of the foot" and Kubi means "of the joint". ASHIKUBI-KAKE-UKE Ankle hooking block. Normally used to block a front kick. It is similar in motion to Ashibo-Kake Uke. ASHIZOKO Bottom foot. You use this to sweep your opponents foot during Ashi Barai. ATAMA Head, or the top of the head. ATE Strike or striking. ATE-WAZA Striking or smashing techniques. ATEMI Body strike or striking. ATEMI-WAZA Body striking techniques that are normally used in conjunction with grappling and throwing techniques. ATERU To place, to put, or to hold. ATO-UCHI Delayed strike or feint. A feint must cause your opponent to believe that the attack is going to hit him and therefore cause him to move his guard and try to block it, which in turn will give you your target area. ATTATE-IRU Contact. AU To meet. This means to encounter an opponent, be it in the Dojo or "on the street". AWASE Combined. AWASE-AGE-UKE Combined upper rising block, both arms coming up together performing the block. It is seen in the Kata Bassai Dai. It can also be used as a defence when someone attempts a two handed grab. AWASE-HIKI-TSUKAMI Combined pulling grasp, As seen in the Kata Heian Godan after the hand-pressing block. AWASE-KOKO-UKE Combined tiger mouth block, as seen in the Kata Empi. A good technique against a Jo or Bo attack. AWASE-MAWASHI-KAKE-UKE Combined round house hooking block. Seen in the Kata Nijushiho. This technique can also be used to unbalance or throw your attacker. AWASE-MAWASHI-UKE Combined roundhouse block, as seen at the start of Kata Kankau Dai. AWASE-SHUTO-AGE-UKE Combined knife hand rising block. As seen in the Kata Chinte. The thumbs touch forming a triangle. AWASE-UCHI Combined strike. A general term for all combined strikes. AWASE-UKE Combined block. A general term for all combined blocks. AWASE-WAZA Combined techniques. AWASE-ZUKI U-punch. Also referred to as Morote Zuki. AYUMI Step or pace. AYUMI-ASHI Stepping foot, a method of footwork, where the feet move alternatively one ahead of the other each sliding along the floor. AYUMI-DACHI A stance found in ItosuKai Shito-Ryu. It is a natural "walking" stance with the weight over the centre. | |
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BARAI Sweep, sometimes seen as Harai. BASSAI-DAI To penetrate a fortress (greater of pair). Normally taught once third Kyu has been obtained. This Kata was originally called Passai. BASSAI-SHO To penetrate a fortress (lesser of pair). A technically more advanced Kata than Bassai Dai. The Kata is notable for its leg sweeps and blocks against a staff or Bo. BETEI The bones at the base of the spine. BO Staff. A long stick used as a weapon (approximately 6 feet long). BO-UCHI Bo strike. A general term for any strike using a Bo. BO-UKE Bo block, a block against an attack from a Bo. This is a general term that covers any block against a Bo attack. BO-WAZA Bo techniques. BO-JUTSU Wooden staff art. BOGU (1) Protective equipment. i.e. hand mitts. BOGU (2) Body armour. BOGU-KUMITE (1) Sparring wearing protective equipment. BOGU-KUMITE (2) A method of fighting wearing armour. BOGYO-ROKU-KYODO Six defence actions. A basic drill of the Japan Karate-Do Ryobu-Kai. Uses the old names of techniques. BOKKEN A wooden sword. It resembles a Katana and is used for practice. BUDO Martial way. In Karate, there is an assumption that the best way to prevent violent conflict is to emphasise the cultivation of individual character. The way (Do) of Karate is thus equivalent to the way of Bu, taken in this sense of preventing or avoiding violence so far as possible. BUGEI Martial arts. BUNKAI A study of the techniques and applications in Kata. BUSHI Warrior. BUSHI-TE Warrior hands. One of the old names for Karate. BUSHIDO Way of the warrior. Bushi meaning "warrior" and Do meaning "way of". BYOBUDAOSHI To topple a folded screen. This is a throwing technique where you step your leg behind your attackers front leg and at the same time that you sweep his leg you attack his chin with your open hand pushing his head back in the opposite direction that which his leg is being swept in. | |
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CHI Blood. CHIKARA Power or strength. CHINTE Strange hands. A higher grade Kata. Master Funakoshi named this Kata Shoin. The Kata originally came from China. CHINTO An Okinawan Shorin Ryu Kata, meaning fighting to the east. The old name for the Kata Gankaku, which means "crane on a rock". Funakoshi changed its name. CHOJI-DACHI "T"-stance, this is an old name for what is now called Teiji Dachi. It is a stance where the feet form the shape of a "T". CHOKKAKU Right angle. CHOKU Straight. CHOKU-ZUKI Straight punch. This is a punch that is normally practised from the standing position and is generally the first punch taught in Karate. It is seen used in the Kata Bassai Dai. CHOWA Harmony. The harmonious mental and physical reaction while at practice. CHOWASURU To have harmony with opponent, to harmonise movements in Kata demonstrations etc. CHOYAKU-HANGEKI Jumping counter attack. CHU Middle. CHUDAN Mid-Level or mid-section. If called prior to an attack it indicates that the attack will be to the stomach area. CHUDAN Middle area. CHUDAN-BARAI-UKE Middle level sweeping block. The same as a Gedan Barai Uke but used against a middle level attack. CHUDAN-CHOKU-ZUKI A straight punch to the mid-section of the opponent's body. CHUDAN-NO-KAMAE Middle level posture, or middle level guard. A freestyle posture where your hands are held at middle level. CHUDAN-TEISHO-FURI-UCHI Middle level palm heel circular strike. Used in the Kata Chinte. CHUDAN-UCHI-UDE-UKE Middle level inside forearm block. A basic Shotokan block. Also see Uchi Ude Uke. CHUDAN-UDE-UKE Middle level forearm block, blocking an attack to the mid-section. CHUDAN-UKE Middle level block. A general term for middle level blocks. CHUDAN-ZUKI A punch to the mid-section of the opponent's body. CHUSOKU Ball of foot. | |
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DAI Lesser or minor. (the term describes the movements of the Kata rather than its importance). DAN Level, rank or degree. A black belt rank. Grades under black belt are known as Kyu grades. Most associations recognise up to 10 levels of black belt. DAN-ZUKI Consecutive punching (same hand). This can be effective if done quickly because your opponent will not expect a second punch from the same hand. DANCHU Summit of breast bone or sternum. A good technique to drop your opponent to the floor is to push your fingers down behind the top of the sternum. DE Advancing. DEAI Encountering. see Deai Osae Uke. DEAI-OSAE-UKE Pressing block, stepping in at the time, or encountering as the attack comes forward, or suppressing it. DEASHI-BARAI Advanced foot sweep. Sometimes seen as Deashi Harai. DENKO The area between the seventh and eighth ribs. DESHI Trainee. DO (1) Way or path. In Karate, the connotation is that of a way of attaining enlightenment or a way of improving one's character through traditional training. DO (2) Torso or trunk of body. DO (3) Movement or activity. DO-KYAKU Moving leg. DOGU Tools, equipment, instruments, etc. All of the pieces of equipment used in martial arts practice. DOJI Simultaneous. DOJI-WAZA Simultaneous techniques. Used to describe any time that techniques are performed simultaneously. DOJO Literally "place of the way." Also "place of enlightenment." The place where we practice Karate. Traditional etiquette prescribes bowing in the direction of the designated front of the Dojo (Shomen) when entering or leaving the Dojo. DOJO-KUN School oath, or standard of the school. DOKAN The ring of the way; repetition, constant practice. DOKKO The Mastoids. Found by pressing up behind the base of the ears. DOMO-ARIGATO-GOZAIMASHITA Japanese for "thank you very much." At the end of each class, it is proper to bow and thank the instructor and those with whom you've trained. DORI (1) Practice. DORI (2) Pull or hold. DOSHU Master or master of the way. | |
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EKU A wooden oar used by the Okinawans which was improvised as a weapon. EMBUSEN Performance line, the floor pattern of a given Kata. All Shotokan Kata will start and finish on the same spot. EMPI (1) A black belt level Kata, translated as "Flying Swallow". This Kata was originally called Wanshu. It is named after a flying swallow because the alternate high and low attacks that are seen in it are said to resemble a swallow in flight. It is considered to be one of the oldest Kata. EMPI (2) Elbow. Sometimes referred to as Hiji. EMPI-SURI-UKE See Hiji Suri Uke. EMPI-UCHI Elbow strike (also called Hiji Ate) EMPI-UKE Elbow block. A general term for the blocking action using the elbow. EN Circle. EN-SHO Round heel, an alternative name for Kakato. ENGETSU-UKE Circular foot block. ENOREI Relax. You may also see this as Enoy. ENOY Relax. See Enorei. ENPI Elbow, normally spelt as Empi. ENSHIN Centre of a circle or circular. ERI Lapel, as in the lapel on a Gi. ERI-SEOI-NAGE Lapel shoulder throw. People often think that there are no throws in Karate, yet the earliest Karate books demonstrate throws as Karate techniques. ERI-TSUKAMI Lapel grab. | |
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FU-ANTI Instability or lack of balance. FUDO-DACHI Immovable stance or rooted stance. Also referred to as Sochin Dachi. FUKAI Hold strongly. FUKURAHAGI Calf (of the leg). FUKUTO The outside of the lower part of the thigh. FUMI-WAZA Stamping techniques. FUMIKIRI-GERI Cutting kick. A stamping style kick using the edge or blade of the foot to strike with. A good technique for striking in to an opponents wind-pipe when he is on the floor. FUMIKOMI-GERI Stamping kick. Usually applied to the knee, shin, or instep of an opponent. FURI Swing or circular or round. FURI-KOSA-BARAI Circular cross sweep, It is used in the Kata Nijushiho. FURIAGE Swing up. FURIKAERU Turn (look) round, rotate and look back. FURISUTE Swing. FUSE Defence or ground. FUSHI Joint, knuckle. FUSHO Injury, wound. | |
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GAESHI Counter. This is also spelt Kaeshi. GAI-WAN Outer arm, part of the forearm located on the side opposite the thumb. GAN Eye. You may also see this as Gansei. GANCHU Area below the nipples. GANKAKU "Crane on a rock", a Kata from Shotokan Karate. GANKAKU-DACHI Crane stance, sometimes referred to as Tsuru Ashi Dachi and Sagi Ashi Dachi. GANKAKU-KAMAE Crane posture, as used in the Kata Gankaku. The legs are in Tsuru Ashi Dachi and the arms in Manji Uke. GASSHUKUA Special training camp. GEDAN Lower level or lower section. If called prior to an attack it indicates that the attack will be to the lower area of the body. GEDAN-BARAI Lower level sweep. A basic karate block. Normally the first move students make prior to going on to do their combinations, one of the reasons for this is so that the first move in Karate is a block which demonstrates that Karate is for self-defence. GEDAN-BARAI-UKE Lower level sweeping block, usually shortened to Gedan Barai. GEDAN-CHOKU-ZUKI A punch to the lower section of the opponent's body, normally the groin. GEDAN-JUJI-UKE Lower level X block. As seen in the Kata Heian Yondan and others. Normally used to block a front kick. The block should land after the attacker has raised his knee but prior to his leg beginning to extend. GEDAN-KAKE-UKE Lower level hooking block. GEDAN-SHUTO-OSAE Lower level knife hand press. As seen in the Kata Gojushiho Dai. GEDAN-SOTO-UDE-UKE Lower level outside forearm block, as seen in the Kata Tekki Nidan. GEDAN-SUKUI-UKE Lower level hooking block, as seen in the Kata Bassai Dai. GEDAN-UDE-UKE Low forearm block. GEDAN-UKE Lower level block. GEDAN-ZUKI Lower level punch, usually directed at the groin area. GEKON The spot beneath the lower lip. Ippon Ken is a good technique to use to attack this target. GERI Kick, sometimes also seen as being spelt as Keri. GERI-NUKE Best described as slipping through the enemy by kicking. GERI-WAZA Kicking techniques. GERIGAESHI Return kick or kick counter. After you have executed the kick and performed Gerihanashi you then reextend the kick back in to the target. This technique often works because after you have put your first kick in which may have been blocked by your opponent he doesn't expect the second kick to come from the same leg and drops his guard to it. GERIHANASHI Kick release. After executing a kick you must withdraw the leg with the same speed as the kick went in. If you leave your leg out after a kick it can be grabbed by your opponent who can then easily break your supporting leg with a simple kick. GI Training uniform. Traditionally in Japanese and Okinawan Karate Dojo, the Gi must be white and cotton. The only markings allowed are the organisation patch on the left breast area and the person's name at the front bottom corner of the jacket. GO-NO-SEN The tactic where one allows the opponent to attack first so to open up targets for counter acttack. GOHON-KUMITE Five step basic sparring. The attacker steps in five consecutive times with a striking technique with each step. The defender steps back five times, blocking each technique. After the fifth block, the defender executes a counter-strike and Kiais. GOJU-RYU Hard, soft way. An Okinawan style of Karate. GOJUSHIHO An Okinawan Kata, meaning 54 steps. GOJUSHIHO-SHO-/-DAI Fifty Four Steps. Two high grade Katas which were originally performed over fifty four steps. GOSHI Hip, sometimes is spelt as Koshi. GOSHIN Self defence. GYAKU Reverse or opposite. GYAKU-ASHI Reverse foot or reverse leg. GYAKU-HANMI Reversed side-on, half front facing position. This stance is useful in assisting kicking off the back leg as a counter move because the hip is all ready in. GYAKU-MAWASHI-GERI Reverse round-house kick. Sometimes also called Ura Mawashi Geri. Instead of coming from the outside in, the leg travels from the inside out. GYAKU-MAWASHI-EMPI-UCHI Reverse roundhouse elbow strike. GYAKU-MIKAZUKI-GERI Back or reverse crescent kick, as seen in the Kata Empi. May also be seen as Ura Mikazuki Geri. GYAKU-TE Reverse hand. GYAKU-ZUKI Reverse punch. A basic Karate punch. The punching hand is the opposite one to the leg that is forward. | |
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HA Tooth. HACHIJI-DACHI A natural stance, feet positioned about shoulder width apart, and pointed slightly outward. HADA Skin. also see Hifu. HADASHI Bare feet. HAGUKI Gums. HAI (1) Yes. HAI (2) Lung. HAI-WAN Back arm. HAI-WAN-NAGASHI-UKE Back arm-sweeping block. Nagashi can mean "flowing" as in Nagashi Zuki, or "flowing punch". HAI-WAN-UKE Back arm block. HAIMEN Back or rear side. HAISHU Backhand or back of the hand. HAISHU-AGE-UCHI Back hand rising strike. Used in the Kata Nijushiho. HAISHU-AWASE-UKE Backhand combined block, the opening block in the Kata Gankaku. Also seen in Bassai Sho. HAISHU-JUJI-UKE Backhand cross block. HAISHU-UCHI Back hand strike. A strike with the back of the hand where the hand and fingers are straight. HAISHU-UKE Back hand block. A block using the back of the hand. HAISOKU Instep of the foot. The area at the base of the shin bone and the top of the foot. HAITO Ridge hand. Thumb extended across the palm touching the base of the little finger and striking with the area just below the base of the index finger to the first joint of the thumb. Often used against the temple. HAITO-KOSHI-KAMAE Ridge-hand hip posture. The bottom hand is held as Seiken and the top hand is held in Haito with the palm facing up. HAITO-SUKUI-NAGE Ridge-hand scooping throw. Used to counter a front kick. As you scoop the leg you bring it up high, hopefully taking your attacker off balance and throwing him to the floor. HAITO-UCHI Ridge hand strike. HAITO-UKE Ridge hand block. HAJIME Begin. A command given to start a given drill, Kata, or Kumite. HAN Half. HAN-ZENKUTSU-DACHI Half front stance, where the feet are only half the distance apart from the full stance. Also see Moto Dachi. HANA Nose. HANAJI Nosebleed. HANGETSU A black belt level Kata, meaning half moon. HANGETSU-DACHI Half moon stance. It is also known as wide hour glass stance. HANMI Side on, half front facing position. HANMI-SASHI-ASHI-DACHI Side on or half front facing stepping across position, as seen in the Kata Hungestsu. HANMI-KAMAE Half facing position. HANSHI Master. An honorary title given to the highest black belt of an organisation, signifying their understanding of their art. HARA Abdomen, belly, means the same as Tandan. HARAI Sweep or sweeping. Normally seen as Barai. HARAI-FUMIKOMI-GERI Sweeping stamping kick, as seen in the Kata Bassai Dai. HARAI-TE Sweeping technique with the hand. HARAI-WAZA Sweeping techniques. HARU Spread. HASAMI Scissors. HASAMI-(UDE)-UKE-HIZA- KAMAE Scissor (forearm) block knee posture. Both forearms perform a scissor block and at the same time the right knee raises attacking the groin. HASAMI-GERI Scissor kick. HASAMI-TETTSUI-UCHI Scissor bottom fist strike. Both bottom fists perform a scissor strike in to the sides of your attackers body. HASAMI-ZUKI Scissor punch. HAYAI Quick, fast or rapid. HAZUSHI Pulling away. HAZUSHI-TE Pulling away hand, used to describe the action of pulling your hand away, after it has been grasped. HEIAN Peaceful mind or peace or tranquillity. These five Kata were originally called Pinan. Funakoshi said that having mastered these five Kata and all of their moves, you should now be confident enough that you could defend yourself from attack and the meaning of the name Heian is to be taken in this context. HEIKO-DACHI Parallel stance. A natural stance. Feet positioned about shoulder width apart, pointed straight forward. HEIKO-DACHI-(HIGAONNA- LINE) A heiko dachi stance, where the front foot is turned slightly inwards while the rear foot is straight. HEIKO-TATE-ZUKI Parallel vertical fist punch, As seen in the Kata Gojushiho Dai. HEIKO-URA-ZUKI Parallel close punch. Used in the Kata Bassai Sho. HEIKO-ZUKI Parallel punch. A double, simultaneous punch. HEISOKU Instep. HEISOKU-DACHI An informal attention stance. Feet and toes are together and pointed straight forward. HENKA Changing. HENKA-WAZA Changing techniques. HENTE Changing hands. This means changing your blocking hand to your attacking hand, or your attacking hand to your blocking hand. For example you block and then attack straight away with the same hand. HENTE-WAZA Changing hands techniques. HICHU The base of the throat, Adam's-apple or projection of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx. HIDARI Left or left side. Also spelt as Hadari. HIDARI-JIGO-TAI Left defensive posture. HIDARI-KAGI-KAMAE Left hooking stance or posture, as seen in the Kata Hiean Godan. HIDARI-KAMAE Left posture. Used to describe when your left side is forward in a stance. HIDARI-NANEME-NI-YOKERU- KOTO Left diagonal evasion. HIDARI-TE Left hand. HIFU Skin. also see Hada. HIJI Elbow, also known as Empi. Hiji is the older version. HIJI-ATEMI Elbow strikes. HIJI-UKE A blocking action using the elbow. HIJI-WAZA Elbow techniques. HIJI-ATE Elbow strike, also called Empi Uchi. HIJIZUME Elbow joint. HIKI Retract or pull back. Also sometimes spelt as Hiku. HIKI-ASHI Retracting leg, pulling your front leg back so that it is level with what was the rear leg. i.e. to avoid a sweep. HIKI-TE The retracting (pulling and twisting) arm during a technique. It gives the balance of power to the forward moving technique. It can also be used as a pulling technique after a grab, or a strike backward with the elbow. HIKKAKU Scratch, to wound with the nails. This is can be an application from the Kata Bassai Sho, where you bring your fingers back across your attackers eyes. HIKUME Low. HINERI Twist. Sometimes this is also seen spelt as Hineru. HINERI-TENSHIN A move where you twist and change your course, e.g. when you twist your wrist out of the grip of your opponent and at the same time change your body course. It is seen in the Katas Heian Sandan and Kanku Dai. HINERI-YOKO-EMPI-UCHI Twisting lateral elbow strike. HINERITE-UKE Twisting hand block. HINERU Twist. Sometimes this is also seen spelt as Hineri. HIRA Flat or level. HIRA-HASAMI Flat scissors. Normally called Koko or Tiger Mouth. HIRA-NUKITE Level spear hand or level piercing hand. This is when the palm is facing down. HIRA-KOTE Level forearm. Centre of the outer and inner forearms. HIRAKEN Flat fist or fore knuckle fist, as in a punch but with the knuckles extended. Also referred to as Hiraken Zuki. HIRAKEN-ZUKI Fore-knuckle strike. HIRATE Flat or level hand. HIRATE-DE-UTSU Slap, as in open handed strike. HIRATE-OSAE-UKE Fore hand pressing block, or flat hand pressing block. HISHIRYO Think without thinking; consciousness beyond thought. HITAI Brow or forehead. HITOSASHI-IPPON-KEN Forefinger knuckle fist, more commonly seen as Ippon Ken. HITOSASHIYUBI-IPPON-KEN Fore finger fist. Normally called Ippon Ken. HIZA Knee or lap. HIZA Knee. HIZA-DACHI One knee stance. Half or single kneeling position. As seen in the Kata Gankaku. HIZA-GERI Knee kick. HIZA-UKE Knee block, A blocking action using the knee. HIZA-WAZA Knee techniques. HIZAGASHIRA Knee cap. HIZAGASHIRA-GERI Knee cap kick. HIZAKANSETSU Knee joint. HIZATSUI Knee hammer. HIZKEN-GERI Kneefist kick. Another name for Hiza Geri. HO Step or pace. HOKO Direction. HOMBU Headquarters. HOMBU-DOJO A term used to refer to the central Dojo of an organisation. HON Basic or fundamental. HONE Bone. HOO Cheek. HORAN-NO-KAMAE "Egg in the nest posture" or ready position used in some Kata where the fist in covered by the other hand. Another way of explaining this position is that empty hand (karateka) over comes angry fist (A non-karate person). It is also called wrapped fist. HUNGETSU Half moon. A black belt Kata mainly performed from Hungetsu Dachi. This Kata is sometimes seen spelt as Hangetsu. HUNGETSU-DACHI Half moon stance. Also seen spelt as Hangetsu Dachi. HYOSHI Rhythm. | |
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IAI (1) Sparring which begins with both the attacker and the defender seated and facing each other is called Iai. IAI (2) Swordplay. IAIDO Way of the sword. IBUKI Breathing method. ICHI (1) One. ICHI (2) Position or location. ICHIBYOSHI In one breath. IIE No, that is incorrect. IKKEN-HISSATSU To kill with one blow. INASU Evasion of an on-coming attack through the course of removing the body from the line of attack. IPPON One point (in sport karate). IPPON-DACHI Another term for a one legged stance, also see Ashi Dachi. IPPON-KEN One knuckle fist. IPPON-KUMITE One step sparring. IPPON-NUKITE One finger spear hand. A stabbing action using the extended index finger. Normally aimed at the eyes or throat. IPPON-ZUKI One finger thrust. Normally called Ippon Nukite. IRIMI To penetrate, to enter. Usually describes moving closer to the opponent than the attack as you close in defence. ISSHIN-RYU "One heart school" An Okinawan style of karate. | |
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JI-IN Temple grounds. JI-ON From the temple of Ji-On. A higher grade Kata JIAI To be in harmony with one's self (start position of Ji Katas). It said that it was a form of greeting used by the monks at the temple of Ji-On. JIAI-NO-KAMAE In harmony with one's self posture, as seen at the start of the Katas Bassai Dai, Jion, Jiin etc. It describes the state of mind that you should be in before you begin the Kata. JIKU-ASHI Pivot leg. JINCHU Philtrum, or the spot just under the nose. JINZO Kidney. JION A Shorei-Ryu Kata. JITTE Ten hands. A higher grade Kata. The translation implies that if the Kata is mastered you can face ten opponents. This Kata is unique in that there is not a single punch in it. JIYU Freedom (of movement etc.). JIYU-DACHI Free sparring posture. JIYU-IPPON-KUMITE One step free sparring. JIYU-KUMITE free sparring. JO Wooden staff about 4'-5' in length. The Jo originated as a walking stick. JO-TSUKAMI-WAZA Jo grasping techniques. JO-UKE Jo block, A block against a Jo. JODAN Upper level. If called prior to an attack it indicates that the attack will be to the head area. JODAN-MOROTE-UKE Upper level augmented forearm block. As seen in the Kata Ji-On. JODAN-UKE Upper level block. JO-DO Way of the 4 foot staff. JOGAI Out of bounds. JOKO Slow. JOMYAKU Vein. JOSO-KUTEI Raised Sole. JOTAI Upper Body. JU Soft, gentle. JUDO Gentle way. JUJI Cross. JUJI-UKE Cross block or X block. Where the arms cross and block at the base of where they cross. JUJUSTU Art of gentleness. JUN-KAITEN Regular rotation, corresponding rotation. The hip and arm going in the same direction. JUN-ZUKI (1) Corresponding punch. i.e. punching with the same arm as the leg that is forward. JUN-ZUKI (2) The Wado Ryu term for Oi Zuki. JUTTE (1) A Shorei Ryu Kata. JUTTE (2) A forked iron truncheon. | |
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KA Person or practitioner. KACHI Win, victory. KACHIKAKE Point on jaw. Also see Ago. KAESHI Counter, the countering of an opponent's offensive action. Sometimes this seen spelt as Kaesu. KAESHI-IPPON-KUMITE Returning one step sparring, or countering one step sparring. KAFUKUBU Abdomen. KAGI Hook. KAGI-UKE Hooking block. KAGI-ZUKI Hook punch. KAHANSHIN Lower half of the body. KAHO Downward. KAI Style. KAISHIN Open heart, The beginning move of the Kata Kanku Dai. KAISHO Open hand. This refers to the type of blow or block which is delivered with the open hand. It can also be used to describe other hand blows in which the fist is not fully clenched or blocks with an open hand. KAISHO-KOSA-UKE Open hand cross block. KAISHO-UKE Open hand block. KAITEN Turn or rotate. KAIUN-NO-TE Open the cloud. From the Kata Unsu KAKAE-NAGE Trapping throw. KAKAE-TE-UKE Trapping hand block KAKATO Heel (of the foot) KAKATO-GERI Heel kick or also known as Axe Kick, striking with the back of the heel of the foot. KAKE Hooking. KAKE-DORI Hooking grasp or pull. KAKE-TE Hooking hand. KAKE-UKE Hooking block. KAKE-WAZA Hooking techniques. KAKIWAKE A two handed block using the outer surface of the wrist to neutralise a two-handed attack, such as a grab. KAKIWAKE-UKE Reverse wedge block. A two handed block used when an attacker attempts to grab the front chest area of the defender. KAKUTO (1) Bent wrist. KAKUTO (2) Heel of hand. KAKUTO-UCHI Bent wrist strike. Wrist joint strike. Also known as Ko Uchi. KAKUTO-UKE Bent wrist block. Wrist joint block. Also known as Ko Uke. KAMA Grass sickle (an Okinawan weapon). KAMAE (1) Posture or stance. Sometimes spelt Gamae. KAMAE (2) Attitude. KAMAE-TE A command given by the instructor for students to get into position. KAMI Hair. Kami Dori or Tsukami is Hair grab. Also see Ke. KAMI-TSUKAMI Hair Grab. KAMITSUKU Bite. KAN Fighting awareness, or penetrating the true nature of things. KANJI The symbols of Japanese writing. Karate is made up of two kanji. The first being the symbol for "Empty" and the second symbol being for "hand". KANKU-DAI A Shotokan Kata, meaning "To view the sky" Developed from the Okinawan Kata Kusanku. KANKU-SHO Viewing the sky. (Sho describes the movements of the Kata rather than its importance) KANSETSU Against the joint. Also used to describe locking techniques against joints. KANSETSU-GERI Joint kick, against a joint. Often used against the knee. KANSETSU-UCHI Joint strike. KANSETSU-WAZA Against the joint techniques, or locking techniques. KAO Face, as in of the head. KARA Empty. In Karate we use the Kara to imply that we are weapon-less or empty handed. Also, Master Funakoshi said "that the person who follows Karate must make himself void or empty by ridding himself of all selfcentredness and greed, making yourself empty within, but upright without. This is the real meaning of the "empty" in Karate. KARADA Body, physique. KARATE Empty Hand. When Karate was first introduced to Japan, it was called "To- De". The meaning of To De is Chinese Hand. KARATE-NI-SENTENASHI A term which sums up the essence of the art, it means "in Karate there is no first strike". KARATE-D0-NYUMON The first book written by Gichin Funakoshi. It translates literally as "A passage through the gates of the Karate way". KARATE-DO The way of the empty hand. This implies not only the physical aspect of Karate, but also the mental and social aspects of Karate. KARATE-KA A practitioner of Karate. KARIKOMI Cutting in. KASEI Under. KASEI-GERI Under kick. It is kicking from under your opponent. It is seen in the Kata Unsu. KASUMI Temple on the side of the head. Also see Komikami KASUSATSU The area between the fifth and sixth vertebra. KATA (1) Form, figure or shape. In Karate, Kata is a form or prescribed pattern of movement fighting imaginary opponents. KATA (2) Shoulder. KATA(3) Single or one. KATANA A type of sword. It was the longer of the two swords normally carried by a Samurai. KATATE One hand or single hand. KATATE-UKE One hand or single hand block. KATSU (1) Win. KATSU (2) A resuscitation technique. KATSU (3) A type of loud shout, similar to a Kiai. KAWASHI "Interaction", In practice you pass through your opponents attack, in effect exchanging places with him. Stepping in towards the attacker, while turning (Kawasu) your body to avoid the attack. Evasion. KE Hair. KE-TSUKAMI Hair Grab. This could also be Kami Tsukami. KEAGE "Kick Up" Generally used to describe snapping as opposed to thrusting kicks. See Keriage KEBANASHI Kick off. KEGA Injury or wound. KEICHU Nape of the neck. KEIKO (1) Training or practice. KEIKO (2) Joined fingertips or Chicken Head hand. KEITO-UCHI Chicken head strike. KEITO-UKE Chicken head block. KEITO-UKE-NAGASHI Chicken head blocking sweep. KEKKAN Blood vessel. KEKOMI Thrust kick (literally kick into or straight). See Kerikomi. KEMPO Fist Law. A generic term to describe fighting systems that uses the fist. KEN (1) Fist. KEN (2) Sword. KENDO Way of the sword. KENSEI The technique with silent Kiai. Related to meditation. KENSEITAI Feint. KENTSUI Hammer Fist Also known as Tetsui. KENTSUI-UCHI Hammer fist strike. See also Tetsui Uchi KENTSUI-UKE Hammer fist block. Also know as Tetsui Uke. KERI Kick. Also called Geri when used with another word. KERI-WAZA Kicking techniques. KERIAGE Kick up, this is the original name for a snap kick Keage. KERIKOME Kick in, this is the original name for a thrust kick or Kekomi. KETTO Blood. KI Mind. Spirit. Energy. Vital force. Intention. (Chinese "chi") Ki cannot easily be translated directly into any language. KI-KEN-TAI-NO-ITCHI Spirit, technique and body as one. KI-O-TSUKE Attention. Musubi Dachi with open hands down both sides. KIAI A shout delivered for the purpose of focusing all of one's energy into a single movement. One translation of Kiai is "the expression of vital spirit". It is often translated as "spirit shout". KIBA-DACHI Horse straddle stance or horse riding stance. Also known as Naihanchi Dachi. KIHAKU Spirit. KIHON Basic techniques. KIHON-IPPON-KUMITE Basic one-step sparring. The attacker calls the attack. The defender blocks and counters the attack. All carried out in basics. Kihon Kumite would be basic sparring. KIME Focus of power and concentration. Kime comes about as a result of Shin-Gi- Tai. KIN-GERI Front kick with the instep (aimed at groin). KINNIKU Muscles. KINTEKI Testicles. KIREI-TU Stand up. KIRI Cut or repeat. KIRI-KAESHI Repeated counter. KISHO-IPPON-KUMITE Returning one step sparring. KIZAMI-GERI Jabbing kick. Also called Kizami Mae Geri. It is a front kick off the front leg, thrown with a jabbing action. KIZAMI-ZUKI Jabbing punch. KO (1) Arc. KO (2) Back. KO-BO-ICHI The concept of "attack-defence connection". KO-EMPI-UCHI Rear elbow strike. Normally called Ushiro Empi Uchi. KO-UCHI Wrist joint strike. Also known as Kakuto Uchi. KO-UKE Crane block or arch block. Same as Kakuto Uke. KOBAYASHI-RYU "Small forest" An Okinawan form of Shorin Ryu karate. KOBORE Tibia. KOBUDO Ancient warrior art. Usually refers to weapons training. KOBUSHI Fist, in Karate Seiken is used. KODENKO The base of the spine. KOHAI A student junior to oneself. KOHO Back, behind or rear. KOHO-KAITEN-TOBI Rear turning jump, as used in the Kata Empi. KOHO-OSAE Rear grab. Often called a "bear hug". KOHO-TENKAN Reversing direction. KOKEN Wrist joint or bent wrist. KOKO Tiger mouth. KOKO-HIZA-KUZUSHI Tiger mouth knee pull down as seen in the Kata Nijushiho. KOKO-OSAE Tiger mouth grasp. KOKO-UCHI Tiger mouth strike. A strike using the area between the thumb and index finger. KOKO-UKE Tiger mouth block KOKORO Spirit, heart. In Japanese culture, the spirit dwells in the heart. KOKOTSU The centre point of the fibula and tibia (shin bone). KOKUTSU-DACHI Back stance. A stance with most of the weight over the rear leg. The actual translation means back knee bent stance. KOKYU Breath or breathing. KOMANAGE Spinning top. This is a throwing technique where you place your hand in the arm pit area of your attacker whilst your other hand holds his wrist. You then force your opponent down. KOMEKAMI The temple area of the head. KOMI Near or against. KOMPAI Peers, those of similar grade. KORI The upper surface of the instep. KOSA Cross. KOSA-DACHI Crossed stance referring to the feet. or Kosa Ashi Dachi. KOSHI (1) Ball of foot. KOSHI (2) Hip or waist. KOSHI-KAMAE Hip posture or stance. A stance where the fists are held one above the other against the hip. KOSHI-NO-KAITEN Hip rotation. KOSHIN Rearward. KOTE (1) Wrist. KOTE (2) Back hand. KOTE (3) Forearm. KOTE-HODOKI-WAZA Wrist releasing techniques. KOTE-UCHI Forearm strike. KOWASU Break. KUBI Neck. KUBIWA Neck circle or "to encircle the neck". This is a throwing technique where you encircle your opponents neck with your arm and then force his head and body off balance backwards throwing him to the ground. KUBOTAN A self-defence tool developed by Takayuki Kubota. This tool serves normally as a key chain. KUCHI Mouth. KUCHIBIRU Lip. KUMADE Bear hand. KUMADE-UCHI Bear hand strike. KUMITE Fighting or sparring KUN Oath. KUSAGAKURE The outside edge of the top of the foot. KUSANKU An Okinawan Shorin Ryu Kata, named after a Chinese Master. KUSSU Bent. For example, Hiza Kussu is bent knee. KUTSU Pain. KUZUSHI Breaking or upsetting. KYO Teach or teaching. KYOEI Area below the armpits, approximately the spot between the fifth and sixth ribs. KYOKU Breathing. KYOSEN Solar plexus. Also called Suigetsu. KYOSHI Knowledgeable person. Usually this title is conferred at rokudan or shichidan, depending on system. KYOTOTSU Base of breastbone or sternum. KYU Grade. Any rank below Shodan. KYUSHIN To study or seek. You may also see this as Kyoshin. KYUSHO Vital points, or pressure points. KYUSHO-WAZA Vital point techniques. | |
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MA-AI Distancing. Distancing with respect to one's partner. Since Karate techniques always vary according to circumstances, it is important to understand how differences in initial position affect the timing and application of techniques. MA-AI-GA-TOH Not proper distance. MAE Front or forward. MAE-ASHI Front leg or front foot. MAE-ASHI-GERI Front leg kick. A kick delivered from your front leg. MAE-EMPI Forward elbow strike. MAE-EMPI-UCHI Front elbow strike. MAE-GERI Front Kick. One of the basic Karate kicks. MAE-GERI-KEAGE Front snap kick. Also referred to as Mae Keage. MAE-GERI-KEKOMI Front thrust kick. Also referred to as Mae Kekomi. MAE-HIJI-ATE Front elbow strike. MAE-NI-ITE Going forward. MAE-TOBI-GERI Front jumping kick or flying front kick. MAE-UKEMI Forward fall or roll. MAKIWARA Punching board or post. MAKOTO A feeling of absolute sincerity, which requires a pure mind, free from pressure of events. MANABU Learning by imitating. A method of studying movement and techniques by following and imitating the instructor. MANJI-KAMAE A double block where one arm executes Gedan Barai to one side, while the other arm executes Jodan Haiwan Uke, usually carried out in Kokutsu Dachi. MANJI-UKE Another way of saying Manji Kamae. MATA Top of the thigh. MATSUKAZE The side of the neck. MATTE Stop or wait. MAWARI-KOMI Turning (like a top). MAWASHI-EMPI-UCHI Round house or circular elbow strike. Also referred to as Mawashi Hiji Ate. MAWASHI-GERI Roundhouse kick. This kick is considered to be a recent innovation and may explain why it is not seen in many Kata. MAWASHI-HIJI-ATE Roundhouse elbow strike. Also referred to as Mawashi Empi Uchi. MAWASHI-HIZA-GERI Roundhouse knee kick. Done with the same action as a normal roundhouse kick but striking with the knee. MAWASHI-TOBI-GERI Roundhouse jumping kick, or flying roundhouse kick. MAWASHI-ZUKI Roundhouse punch. This punch can be hooked around your opponents guard. It is not often used in Karate. MAWAT-TE A command given by the instructor for students to turn around. MAYU Eyebrow. ME Eye. MEIJIN Expert or master. MEIKYO Polished mirror. A black belt Kata. MEN Side, face or surface. MIGAMAE Physical readiness. MIGI Right or right side. MIGI-KAMAE Right posture. Used to describe when your right side is forward in a stance. MIGI-NANEME-NI-YOKERU-KOTO Right diagonal evasion MIGITE Right hand. MIKAZUKI (1) Crescent. MIKAZUKI (2) The lower ridge of the lower jaw, the mandible base. MIKAZUKI-GERI Crescent kick. MIKAZUKI-GERI-UKE Crescent kick block, where the kick is used to block an attack. MIKEN Summit of the nose in the centre of the forehead. MIMI Ear(s). MIRU Look. MIZO-NAGARE-KAMAE Water flowing posture, Nagare also translates as "sweeping" in the same way that Nagashi does. MIZU Water. MIZU-NO-KOKORO Mind like water. A psychological principle emphasising the need to calm your mind, like the surface of undisturbed water, while facing an opponent. MOKUSO Meditation. Training often begins or more normally ends with a short period of meditation. The reason for this is to clear ones mind and relax. MOMO Thigh. MOROASHI-BARAI Two leg sweep. MOROTE Augmented, double or two handed. MOROTE-JO-UKE Double handed Jo block. MOROTE-KOKO-DORI Double tiger mouth grasp. MOROTE-KOKO-UKE Double tiger mouth block. MOROTE-KUBI-OSAE Two handed head or neck hold, where both hands are used to grab either side of the opponents head. MOROTE-SEIRYUTO-UCHI Two handed Ox-jaw strike. Generally used against the collar bones. MOROTE-UDE-UKE Augmented forearm block. The opposite fist is placed close to the elbow of the blocking forearm. Often called Morote Uke. MOROTE-UKE Augmented block. One arm and fist support the other arm in a block. MOROTE-ZUKI Augmented punch or U-punch. Punching with both fists simultaneously. Also referred to as Awase Zuki. MOTO Original. MUDANSHA Students without black-belt ranking. MUKI Facing. MUNE Chest. MUNEN-MUSO Free of all idea's and thoughts. You are therefore ready to learn, or act with a clear mind, dedicating yourself to the task in hand. MURASAME The front portion of the throat on either side, just above the collar bone. The supraclavicular fossa. MUSHIN No mind, or without mind. It indicates a clear, calm spirit. MUSUBI-DACHI Informal attention stance. Heels placed together but with each foot turned out at 45 degrees. MYAKU Pulse. MYOJO Area about one inch below the navel. | |
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NAGARI Flowing stream or current. It has the same meaning or translation as Nagashi. Also spelt as Nagare or Nagareru. NAGASHI Flowing, or sweeping. NAGASHI-UKE Sweeping open handed block. NAGE-WAZA Throwing techniques. NAIHANCHI This was the original name for the Tekki Katas, but was changed by Funakoshi. NAIHANCHI-DACHI Kiba Dachi. NAKADAKA-IPPON-KEN Middle finger one knuckle fist. Sometimes also called Nakayubi Ippon Ken. NAKAYUBI-IPPON-KEN Middle finger fist. Normally called Nakadaka Ippon Ken. NAMI Wave. NAMI-ASHI Inside snapping block, also known as Returning Wave because of the motion of the leg. It is some times called Nami Geashi. NANAME Diagonal. NEKO Cat. NEKO-ASHI-DACHI Cat stance. NI-NO-KOSHI-NO-HYOSHI In two beats (feint). NIHON-NUKITE Two finger spear hand. Striking with the index and middle fingers, usually to the eyes. NIHON-ZUKI Two consecutive punches from alternate hands. NIJUSHIHO Twenty four steps. A black belt Kata that is performed over twenty four steps. NIKEITO-KAMAE Double chicken head posture. NIKU Flesh. NO-MUKO-HOFAKU Facing opposite way. NOBASHI Extend. NODO Throat. NOGARE A style of breathing used in Karate that advocates proper breath control even in the face of danger. NUKITE Spear hand NUNCHAKU An Okinawan weapon. Two lengths of wood hinged together by cord. Was probably developed from a horse bridle (and not rice flail). | |
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OBI Belt OI-ZUKI Lunge punch. OKINAWA One of a group of islands South East of Japan. Where karate was developed. OKINAWA-TE An old name for what today is known as Karate, also see To-De and To-Te. OKURI-ASHI-BARAI Moving on-to foot sweep. The opponents foot is swept out from under him as he steps forwards. OMOTE Front. OMOTE-KOTE Front forearm or inner forearm. ONAJI-WAZA Same technique. OSAE Pressing or holding. OSAE-UKE Forearm pressing block. OSHI Pressing. Also see Osae. OSS A word peculiar to Karate; it is used as a form of greeting, or "yes" etc. OSU Push. OTOSHI Drop or dropping. OTOSHI-EMPI-UCHI Dropping (downward) elbow strike. An elbow strike made by dropping the elbow. Also referred to as Otoshi Hiji Ate. OYAYUBI-IPPON-KEN Thumb knuckle. OYO-WAZA Applications "interpreted" from techniques in Kata, implicated according to a given condition. | |
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PASSAI An Okinawan Shorin Ryu Kata, whose meaning is unknown. PINAN A series of five Kata formulated by Itosu. | |
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REI (1) Bow, respect. A method of showing respect in Japanese culture is the bow. REI (2) Zero. REIGI Etiquette. Also referred to as Reishiki. Observance of proper etiquette at all times, especially observance of proper Dojo etiquette. REINOJI-DACHI A stance with feet making a "L"-shape. REISHIKI Etiquette. See Reigi. REMNEI Association. REN Consecutive punches or kicks i.e. Ren Zuki or Ren Geri. REN-GERI Consecutive kicking; alternate kicking i.e. left and then right. REN-ZUKI Consecutive punching; alternate punching i.e. left and then right. RENOJI-DACHI A stance with feet making a "L" shape. If called as Migi Renoji Dachi then the right foot is in front, and Hidari Renoji Dachi the left foot is in front. RENRAKU Combinations. In relation to fighting combinations. RENRAKU-WAZA Combination techniques. Multiple attacks and defences performed in succession. RENSHI "A person who has mastered oneself." This person is considered an expert instructor. This status is prerequisite before attaining the status as Kyoshi. Renshi means "has a name." Renshi is no longer one of the many, so to speak. Renshi is usually given at yodan to rokudan, depending on the system. ROKKOTSU Rib. RONIN A leaderless samurai, he was seen as being of low moral virtue. RYO Both or both sides. RYO-ASHI Both feet or legs. RYO-KOSHI-KAMAE Both hip stance. A stance where the fists are clenched and placed on the hips. So that the bottoms of the fists are touching the hips. RYO-SOKU Both sides. RYO-TE Both hands. RYU (1) School or Style. The literal translation of Ryu is to flow, drift or circulate. It has been used to mean "Style" or "Method" because of the way Karate was taught. In more primitive times, the style was "handed down"-"circulated" from master to pupil. RYU (2) Dragon. | |
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SAEI-REI-TU Line up. SAGETA-EMPI-UCHI Lowered elbow strike. Normally called Otoshi Empi. SAGI Heron. SAGI-ASHI-DACHI One leg stance or Heron stance. Also referred to as Gankaku Dachi or Tsuru Ashi Dachi. SAHO Etiquette. SAI An Okinawan weapon, a steel pronged truncheon. SAKOTSU Collar bone. SAN (1) Three. SAN (2) Friend. SANBON-KUMITE Three step sparring. Usually the first attack is Oi Zuki Jodan, the second Oi Zuki Chudan and the third Mai Geri. SANBON-SHOBU Three point match. Used in tournaments. SANBON-ZUKI A series of three punches, generally the first is Oi Zuki Jodan, followed by a slight pause then, Chudan Gyaku Zuki, immediately followed by Chudan Choku Zuki. SANCHIN The core Goju Ryu Kata, which emphasises correct breathing. SANCHIN-DACHI Hour-glass stance. So named from the shape that the legs form. SANKAKU Triangular. It translates as "three angles". SASAE Prop or propping. SASHI-ASHI-DACHI Stepping across or extending the foot. SASHITE Raising of the hand either to strike, grab, or block. SEBONE Backbone, spine. SEI Tranquillity or inactivity. SEIDOKAN An Okinawan Karate system founded by Soke Toma. It encompasses the punching, kicking and blocking techniques of Karate; the throwing and joint locking techniques of Aiki-Ju-Jutsu; and the traditional weaponry of Okinawa. SEIDON The area above and below the eyes. SEIKEN Forefist. This is the basic fist where the fingers are rolled tightly in to the palm and the thumb presses on top. The two largest knuckles are used to strike. SEIKEN-ZUKI Fore fist punch. SEIPAI An Okinawan Shorei Ryu Kata. SEIRYUTO Ox jaw. The area on the hand corresponding to the base of the Shuto. SEIRYUTO-UKE Ox jaw block. A hand technique delivered with the base of the Shuto. SEISAN An Okinawan Shorin Ryu Kata. SEISHIN Mind and spirit. SEIZA Proper sitting position. Sitting on one's knees. It is used for the formal opening and closing of the class. SEKAKU Accuracy. SEMPAI A senior student. SEMPAI A senior student. SEMPAI Senior. SEN-NO-SEN To counter attack or attack at the precise moment your opponent attacks you. SENAKA The back. SENSEI Literally "one who as gone before". Teacher. It is usually considered proper to address the instructor during practice as Sensei. SENSEI-NI-REI Bow to teacher. SEOI Shoulder. SEOI-NAGE Shoulder throw. SHIHAN A formal title meaning master or master instructor. A teacher of teachers. Generally a 5th Dan or above. SHIKO-DACHI Square stance. A stance often used in Goju-Ryu and Shito-Ryu. SHIN Core, centre. SHINKEI Nerves. SHINTAI Body, another expression for body. SHINZO Heart. SHIRO White SHIRYOKU Eyesight. SHITA Tongue. SHITTSUI Knee hammer. SHIZEN-DACHI Natural stance. A term used to describe any natural stance. SHIZENTAI Natural position. The body remains relaxed but alert. SHO (1) Major or Greater. SHO (2) Palm, as in hand. SHODAN A first level black belt. SHOFU Side of neck. SHOMEN Front or top of head. Also the designated front of a Dojo. SHOMEN-NI-REI Bow to the front. SHOREI-RYU An Okinawan karate system which originated in Naha. SHORIN-RYU The major style of Okinawan karate, meaning "Pine Forest" school. SHOTOKAN A style of Karate. The name is derived from the pen name that Gichin Funakoshi. The name is made up of "Shoto", meaning Waving Pines, which was Funakoshi's pen name, and "Kan" meaning House or School. SHRUI-TE An ancient Okinawan style of karate - the forerunner of Shorin Ryu. SHUKO Back of the hand. Generally called Haishu. SHUTO Knife hand. SHUTO-TE Same as Shuto Uke. SHUTO-UCHI Knife hand strike. SHUTO-UKE Knife hand block. SHUTSUI Hammer hand. See Tetsui. SOBI The area on the inside of the lower part of the leg, approximately at the base of the calf. SOCHIN Immovable in the face of danger. A black belt Kata mainly performed in Sochin Dachi. SOCHIN-DACHI Diagonal Straddle Leg Stance or Immovable Stance, also referred to as Fudo Dachi. In Sochin Dachi the weight is evenly distributed over both legs. SODA (1) The area between the shoulder blades. SODE (2) Sleeve. SOERU Attach or to attach. SOESHO Palm on or palm assisted. SOESHO-KAESHI-UDE Palm assisted counter fore-arm. SOETE Hand on or hand assisted. SOETE-MAE-EMPI-UCHI Hand on or hand assisted front elbow strike. SOETE-SOKUMEN-UKE Hand assisted side block. SOKKO Top of the foot. SOKUDO Speed. SOKUMEN Side or flank. SOKUMEN-AWASE-UKE Side combined block. SOKUMEN-EMPI-UCHI Side combined elbow strike. The opponent is pulled onto the strike. SOKUMEN-MOROTE-ZUKI Side double punch. SOKUMEN-SOETE-GEDAN-UCHI-UDE-UKE Side hand assisted lower level inside fore-arm block. SOKUTEI Sole of foot. SOKUTEI-MAWASHI-UKE Sole (foot) circular block. SOKUTEI-OSAE-UKE Sole (foot) pressing block. SOKUTO Edge of foot. The striking area in a side thrust or snap kick. SOKUTO-GERI Edge of foot kick. Also called Ashi Gatana. SOKUTO-KAKE-UKE Hooking foot block. Using the edge of the foot. SOKUTO-OSAE-UKE Foot edge pressing block. SONU Area between the throat and top of the breastbone or sternum. SORASHI Feint. SOTO Outside, outer or exterior. SOTO-(UDE)-UKE Outside (forearm) block. SOTO-UDE-UKE Outside forearm block or sometimes called lower wrist block. SOTO-UKE Outside block, a shortened version of Soto Ude Uke. SOTO-YOKO-TE Same as Uchi Ude Uke. SOTOJAKUZAWA The outer part of the forearm where the pulse can be felt. SOWAN Both arms. SOWAN-UKE Both arm block. SUASHI Bare foot. SUBERKOMI Sliding in. SUHADA Bare skin. SUIGETSU Solar plexus. SUIHEI Horizontal or level. SUIHEI-BO-DORI Horizontal bo grasp. SUJI Muscle fibre. SUKI Opening. SUKUI Scooping or to scoop up. SUKUI-TE Same as Sukui Uke. SUKUI-UKE Scooping block. SUMI Corner. SUNDOME No contact, arresting a technique. SUNE Shin. SUNE-UKE Shin block. Generally used against a roundhouse kick. SURI Sliding, as in Hiji Suri Uke or elbow sliding block. SURI-ASHI To slide your feet along the floor. SUTEMI-WAZA "Last chance" technique. SUWARI-WAZA Techniques from a sitting position. | |
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TACHI (1) A Japanese long sword. TACHI (2) Standing or stance. Zenkutsu Tachi is the old term for Zenkutsu Dachi. TACHI-WAZA Standing techniques. TACHIKATA Stances. In some works you may see TachiKata as a general term for karate stances. TAI Body. TAI-SABAKI Body movement, shifting or evasion. TAIKAKU Build or physique, body shape. TAIKYOKYU First cause. The first Kata taught in Shotokan Karate. Three Taikyo Kyu Kata were originally devised and all share a common line of movement. Funakoshi noted that a beginner would take appropriately 40 seconds to complete and a higher grade some 5 seconds less. Taikyo Kyu 4, 5 and 6 are French inventions. Some say that Taikyoku Kata were originally from the Goju-Ryu and as the name implies, consist of nine Kata. Funakoshi made the statement that if a student understood the concepts of the Taikyoku Kata, then he should be able to understand the idea that you begin with basics and return to basics. TAIMING-GA-OSOI Not proper timing. TAIRA-NA Level or even. TAMERAU Hesitate. TAMESHIEARI To test and to break. Breaking (of wood, tiles, etc.). Trial by Wood. TANDEN Centre of gravity, naval area. TANIOTOSHI To push off a cliff. This is a form of shoulder throw where you step in to your attacker so that your shoulder goes under your attackers same armpit whilst holding on to his same arm. TAOSHI Down. TATAMI Floor mat. TATE Vertical. TATE-EMPI-UCHI Vertical (or upward) elbow strike. Also called Age Empi. TATE-NUKITE Vertical spear hand, or vertical piercing hand. TATE-SHUTO-OSAE Vertical knife hand press, used to push your attackers punching arm further round than in just a block and therefore turning his body further away from you. TATE-SHUTO-UKE Vertical knife hand block. TATE-URAKEN-UCHI Vertical back fist strike. TATE-ZUKI Vertical punch. A fist punch with the palm along a vertical plane. TE Hand. TE-GATANA Hand sword, generally referred to as Shuto. TE-GATANA-UCHI Hand sword strike, generally referred to as Shuto Uchi. TE-GATANA-UKE Hand sword block, generally referred to as Shuto Uke. TE-TSUKAMI Hand grasp. TE-WAZA Hand techniques. TE-NAGASHI-UKE Hand sweeping block. Usually called Nagashi Uke TE-OSAE-UKE Hand pressing block. Usually called Osae Uke. TEIJI-DACHI A Stance with the feet in a "T" shape. If called Migi Teiji Dachi then the right foot is forward, and if termed Hidari Teiji Dachi then the left foot is forwards. TEISHO Palm heel. The area at the base of the palm. TEISHO-BARAI Palm heel sweep. TEISHO-UCHI Palm heel strike. TEISHO-UKE Palm heel block. TEKKI Horse riding. Originally called Naihanchi. TEKKI-SHODAN-/-NIDAN-/-SANDAN A group of three Katas each performed from Kiba Dachi or horse riding stance. TEKUBI-KAKE-UKE Wrist hooking block. TEN-NO-KATA A Kata created and designed under the leadership and guidance of Funakoshi. It is a Kata unique to the Shotokai. TENCHI Heaven and earth. "Tenchi Uke" is to simultaneously perform the same blocking technique, one high and one low. TENDO The crown of the head. TENSHIN Changing course. See Hineri Tenshin. TENTO The space between the crown of the head and the forehead. TETSUI Hammer fist or bottom fist. TETSUI-HASAMI-UCHI Bottom fist scissor strike. As seen in the Kata Bassai Dai. TETSUI-UCHI Bottom fist strike or hammer fist strike. Also called Kentsui Uchi. TO-DE An old Okinawan name for Karate, also see Okinawa-Te and To-Te. TO-TE To-te was an Okinawan form of Karate, also see To-De and Okinawa-Te. TOBI Jump or jumping. TOBI-ASHI-BARAI Jumping foot sweep. Used to clear the target area for Tobi Ushiro geri. TOBI-GERI Jumping kick. TOBI-TETTSUI-UCHI Jumping Bottom Fist Strike. The normal target area would be the top of the head or the collarbone. TOBI-USHIRO-GERI Jumping back kick. TOBI-ZUKI Jumping punch. TOBIGOSHI Jumping over. TOBIKOMI-ZUKI Jumping front punch. TOKUI Favourite. I.e. Tokui Kata would be your favourite Kata. TOMOE Stomach. TONFA A farm tool developed into a weapon by the Okinawans. TORA Tiger. The animal that represents Shotokan Karate. TOSHI Fighting spirit. TSUBAMEGAESHI V-turning swallow. A throwing technique. TSUGI-ASHI Following foot, a method of moving where one foot follows the other, but never passes it. TSUKAMI-UKE Grasping block. TSUKAMI-WAZA Grasping technique. A blocking technique by seizing the opponent's arm, leg or weapon. TSUKAMI-YOSE Grasping and pulling. TSUKI A punch or thrust. Also referred to as Zuki. TSUKKOMI Charging. TSUMASAKI Tips of the toes. TSUMASAKI-GERI Kicking using the tips of the toes to strike with. Only used to attack the soft parts of the opponents body e.g. groin. TSUME Nail, of the fingers or toes. Used to cut across the opponent's eyes. TSURU Crane, as in the bird. TSURU-ASHI-DACHI Crane stance, also referred to as Gankaku Dachi and Sagi Ashi Dachi. TSUYOI Strong or powerful. TUITE Grappling skills. | |
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UCHI (1) Strike or striking. UCHI (2) Inner or interior. UCHI-(UDE)-UKE Inside (Forearm) block. UCHI-DESHI Number one student, sometimes a live-in student or trainee. UCHI-KOMI Striking thrust. UCHI-MAWASHI-GERI Inside roundhouse kick. UCHI-UKE Inside block. Generally used as a short version of Uchi Ude Uke. UCHI-YOKO-TE Same as Soto Ude Uke. UCHI-HACHIJI-DACHI Inverted open leg stance, or inverted figure eight stance. The feet are shoulder width apart but with the feet facing inwards. UCHIJAKUZAWA The inner parts of the forearm where the pulse can be felt. Sometimes called Miyakudokoro. UCHIKUROBUSHI The inside of the ankle joint. UCHITE Striking hand. UDE Forearm. UDE-UKE Forearm block. UDEKANSETSU Arm joint. UE Top, as in "on", "above" or "over". UKE (1) Block. UKE (2) Receive. UKE-GAE Changing blocks. UKE-KIME Blocking and finishing. UKEMI Breakfalling. UKEMI-WAZA Breakfall techniques. UKETE Blocking hand. UNKOKU Rhythm and fluidity of movement. UNSOKU Moving (leg movement). UNSU Hands in the cloud. A senior black belt Kata. URA Reverse, rear, reverse side or back. URA-MAWASHI-GERI Back or reverse round house kick. URA-MIKAZUKI-GERI Back or reverse crescent kick. URA-WAZA Reverse techniques. URA-ZUKI An upper cut or close punch used at short distance. Sometimes called Staz Zuki. URAKEN Back fist. URAKEN-UCHI Back fist strike. This is an extremely fast technique although mechanically it is not as powerful as some other hand techniques. URAKEN-UKE Back fist block. URAOMOTE Both sides, back and front. USHIRO Back or rear. USHIRO-ASHI-BARAI Rear leg sweep. Sweeping an opponent's back leg. USHIRO-EMPI-UCHI Striking to the rear with the elbow. USHIRO-GERI Back kick. Delivered with the heel of the foot, the toes must point down. USHIRO-KAKATO-GERI Back heel kick. A good technique when in a "bearhug". The target area would be your attackers shin bone. USHIRO-MAWASHI-EMPI-UCHI Back roundhouse elbow strike. USHIRO-MAWASHI-GERI Back round house kick. USHIRO-NI-ITE Going back. USHIRO-OSAE-KOMI Best described a "bear hug" from behind. USHIRO-SURI-ASHI Rear sliding leg. The movement of the rear leg to meet the front leg. UTO The point at the base of the nose between the eyes. | |
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WA (1) Circle or ring. WA (2) Peace. WA-UKE Circle block, where the path taken is a half-circle. At the end of the block the hand is angled slightly to the outside. WADO-RYU Way of peace school. A Japanese style of karate. WAKI Side or flank. WAKIBARA Side of the chest. WAKIZASHI The shorter of two swords worn by the Samurai. WAN Arm. WANKAN A Shotokan Kata. "Kings Crown" WANSHU An Okinawan Shorin Ryu Kata named after a Chinese Master. WANSHUN Top of outside edge of upper arm. WASHI Eagle. WASHIDE Eagle hand. Formally called Washi-te. WASHIDE-AGE-UCHI Eagle hand rising strike. WASHIDE-OTOSHI-UCHI Eagle hand dropping strike. WASHIDE-UCHI Eagle hand strike WASHIDE-UKE Eagle hand block | |
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YAKO The inside of the upper thigh. YAMA-UKE Mountain block. YAMA-ZUKI Mountain punch. A wide U-shaped dual punch. YAME Finish or stop. YASUME Rest. An instruction to the students to relax, normally following a long series of drills. YOBO Face. YOI Ready, in a state of alertness. YOKO Side or lateral. YOKO-EMPI-UCHI Side elbow strike. YOKO-GERI Side kick. YOKO-GERI-KEAGE Side snap kick. Also referred to as Yoko Keage. YOKO-GERI-KEKOMI Side thrust kick. Also referred to as Yoko Kekomi. YOKO-MAWASHI-EMPI-UCHI Side roundhouse elbow strike. Striking with the elbow to the side. YOKO-TOBI-GERI Side jumping kick or flying side kick. YONHON-NUKITE Four finger spear hand. It is more commonly called Nukite. YORI-ASHI Sliding the feet, without legs crossing. YOSE Pulling. YUBI Finger or toe. YUBI-NO-KANSETSU Knuckle. YUBISAKI Fingertip. YUDANCHA (1) The collective name for all Dan grades present. YUDANSHA (2) Black belt holder (any rank). YUMI Bow, as in archery. YUMI-ZUKI Bow punch, or called bow drawing punch. One hand pulls your opponent forward as you execute the punch. | |
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ZA Seated or kneeling. ZA-REI The traditional Japanese bow from the kneeling position. ZANSHIN Literally "remaining mind or heart". Awareness of one's surroundings. Even after a technique has been completed, one should remain in a balanced and aware state. ZANSHIN-KAMAE Awareness posture. ZEMPO Front or forward. ZEN-EMPI-UCHI Front elbow strike. Normally called Mae Empi Uchi. ZENKUTSU-DACHI Forward stance or front stance. The actual translation means front knee bent stance. The most basic Karate stance. ZENSHIN (1) Forward or advance. ZENSHIN (2) Whole (entire) body. ZENWAN Forearm. ZOE Supporting. ZORI Japanese slippers. ZUKAMI An alternative spelling of Tsukami meaning grasping. ZUKI A different spelling of Tsuki. ZUNO Head. |
The most difficult part of learning a martial art in a traditional dojo is learning to listen to and understand the Japanese words that are spoken. The Japanese commands are necessary to the proper induction of a student into the art. Historically it is necessary, as some commands cannot be put into English without a lengthy explanation.
The most difficult part of learning a martial art in a traditional dojo is learning to listen to and understand the Japanese words that are spoken. The Japanese commands are necessary to the proper induction of a student into the art. Historically it is necessary, as some commands cannot be put into English without a lengthy explanation.
REI | Zero | JU | TEN |
ICHI | ONE | Ni ju | Twenty |
NI | TWO | San ju | Thirty |
SAN | THREE | yon ju | Forty |
SHI | FOUR | Go ju | Fifty |
GO | FIVE | Roku ju | Sixty |
ROKU | SIX | Nana ju | Seventy |
SHICHI | SEVEN | Hachi ju | Eighty |
HACHI | EIGHT | Ku ju | Ninety |
KU | NINE | Hiaku | One Hundred |
ichi ban | first |
ni ban | second |
san ban | third |
yon ban | fourth |
go ban | fifth |
roku ban | sixth |
nana ban | seventh |
hachi ban | eighth |
kyu ban | ninth |
ju ban | tenth |
When pronouncing Japanese words, many of the syllables are silent. In the numbers, the "I" at the end of ICHI, SHICM, HACHI are silent. Also, the "U" at the end of "ROKU" is silent.
In addition to being more correct, this allows for a more rhythmic counting style. Higher numbers (11-99) are created by adding lower numbers together: 11 = Ju+Ichi, 12 = Ju+Ni, etc. and 20 = Ni+Ju, 30 = San + Ju, etc.
In addition to being more correct, this allows for a more rhythmic counting style. Higher numbers (11-99) are created by adding lower numbers together: 11 = Ju+Ichi, 12 = Ju+Ni, etc. and 20 = Ni+Ju, 30 = San + Ju, etc.

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