The kata is themed “Crane on a Rock” because of its introduction of the one-legged sagi ashi dachi stance. It is also called Gankaku by Shotokan karateka. Otsuka Sensei, in commenting about Chinto, says in his book, Wado Ryu Karate, “If Chinto can be grasped fully, it should be the end. All other kata become the stepping stones to obtaining Chinto.”
Its origins are traced to a sailor that came from China to Shuri, Okinawa. It was taught by Master Ching-To, attaché to Okinawa from the Ming court in 1732, and so the Okinawans named it “Chinto” in his honor. This kata is another White Crane form.
Chinto Kata
2. Yoi (same as in Pinan kata).
3. Draw the right foot behind the left into chintodachi and perform migi shotei nagashiuke (slip block) and hidari haishu nagashiuke. The left hand will be in front of the right, crossed at the wrist.
4. Bring the hands down in front of the waist as in Pinan Godan. The left hand is palm down, the right is palm up under the left hand.
5. Perform hidari junzuki chudan.
6. Perform migi gyakuzuki chudan as the left foot slides over into hidari tate seisan dachi.
7. Pivot on the left foot and bring the right foot in front of the left, turning counterclockwise 360 degrees into shikodachi. Your body should now be facing east (assuming the starting position faces north). Perform migi gedan barai to the right.
8. Slide the left foot and turn the body 90 degrees counterclockwise into hidari junzukidachi and perform shuto jujiuke jodan.
9. Bring the hands down forcefully to the waist closing them as they drop. (as in Kushanku).
10. Perform maetobigeri, kicking with the right foot first, then the left. As the left foot lands forward into hidari junzukidachi, perform jujiuke gedan.
11. Pivot 180 degrees clockwise on the right foot, stepping into hidari junzukidachi and perform jujiuke gedan.
12. Turn the body 90 degrees to the right while sliding the right foot into migi kokutsudachi. Perform migi gedan barai. The left fist is palm up across the chest.
13. Step the left foot forward into hidari kokutsudachi and perform hidari shuto gedan barai. The right hand is open, palm up, across the chest.
14. Step the right foot forward into migi junzukidachi and perform shuto uke with both hands simultaneously.
15. Turn 90 degrees to the left into a narrower version of shikodachi than normal and perform haito soto uke with both hands simultaneously.
16. Relax the arms, letting them slowly drop to the sides as the knees straighten. When the legs are straight, the head faces to the left.
17. Slide the left foot out to the left into hidari kokutsudachi and perform hidari gedan barai and migi soto uke at the same time.
18. Slide the right foot forward, turning the body 180 degrees counterclockwise, into migi kokutsudachi and perform migi gedan barai and hidari soto uke at the same time. The head faces over the right shoulder.
19. Turn the body 180 degrees counterclockwise, pivoting on the right foot, sliding the left foot into hidari kokutsudachi. Perform hidari gedan barai and migi soto uke at the same time. The head faces over the left shoulder.
20. Turn the head 90 degrees to the right and move the right foot behind the left into gyakunekoashi dachi (reverse cat stance), performing jujiuke gedan.
21. Bring the right foot out to the right into shikodachi and perform soto uke with both hands simultaneously.
22. Relax the arms and straighten the legs as in #16 but keep the head facing forward.
23. Place the fists, palm down, on the hips, and perform migi empi uke then hidari empi uke (as in Pinan Sandan). Immediately after the second block, turn 180 degrees clockwise, pivoting on the right foot, into migi gyakunekoashi dachi, performing soto uke with both hands simultaneously.
24. Turn the head to the left, raise the left knee, and perform hidari gedan barai and migi soto uke simultaneously. Then, keeping the left foot up still, return the arms to hidari tae uke. Then perform hidari yokogeri chudan and hidari gedan barai (as in Pinan Yondan). Set the left foot down and step the right foot forward into junzukidachi, performing migi junzuki chudan.
25. Raise the right knee and perform migi gedan barai and hidari soto uke. Then, keeping the right foot up, return the hands to migi tae uke. Then perform migi yokogeri chudan and migi gedan barai simultaneously. Then set the right foot down into migi tate seisandachi and perform hidari gyakuzuki chudan.
26. Raise the left knee (face an opponent from the rear) and perform hidari gedan barai and migi soto uke simultaneously. Then, keeping the left foot up still, return the arms to hidari tae uke. Then perform hidari yokogeri chudan and hidari gedan barai. Set the left foot down into hidari tate seisandachi and perform migi gyakuzuki chudan.
27. Pivot on the left foot and turn the body 90 degrees to the right into shikodachi and perform migi kake uke (hook block). The head faces to the right.
28. Turn the body 90 degrees to the right into migi tate seisandachi and perform hidari tate empi into the right palm. The elbow travels upwards, vertically, in this strike.
29. Twist counterclockwise slightly and drop the left hand to the left hip, palm up. At the same time, place the right hand, formed into ippon ken, palm down on top of the left hand.
30. Raise the left knee forward as you strike upward with the right hand. Continue the movement by turning 180 degrees to the rear on the right foot. When you are facing the rear, bring the arms down into hidari tae uke. Then perform hidari maegeri chudan and hidari gedan barai at the same time. Then, set the left foot down and step forward with the right into migi junzukidachi and perform migi junzuki chudan.
31. Yame (Pivot on the right foot, turning 180 degrees counterclockwise, bringing the left foot into heikodachi.
32. Rei
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